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Updated: Feb 2

Under the uncertain surface,


still untamed,

a land of contradictions

layers of thought,

upon layers of history,

upon faint layers of culture,

upon layers of sediments,

beneath hardened lava from eruptions,

upturned ranges, glaciers grinding,

rivers dammed and lakes created,

the plateau alive at night,

the wild rivers in search of the sea,

the ancient forests, Gondwanan survivors

mountains raising from a deep blue sea               

forgotten voices, forgotten words


Dec 2024

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For any media inquiries, please contact Daniel Sacchero

Based in Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Thanks for submitting!

Quiero reconocer a la comunidad de Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung como el pueblo originario del lugar adonde vivo y expresar mi  profundo respeto por sus ancianos y sus lideres a través del tiempo.


Extiendo también este profundo respeto y reconocimiento de las culturas de otros pueblos originarios en Australia, Latino América y otras partes del mundo.

I’d like to acknowledge the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung people as the traditional owners and true sovereigns of the land where I live. I like to pay my respects to elders past and present. Sovereignty has not been ceded, treaties have not been signed.


I like to extend the acknowledgement to other traditional owners in Australia, Latin America and other parts of the world.

© 2022 by Daniel Sacchero. A Blue Fairy design solution

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