Looking for food
in the darkness
I hear the creek
falling down
I hear the creek down below
splashing into a pool
The rocks smooth
lost is their sharpness
their grittiness
I hear other
in the night
run towards the creek
I fall
darkness closes
into a hole
a little water
round pebbles stop me
I curl up and wait
for danger to pass
night passes into day
The walls smooth
as the rocks above
I curl up waiting
for certain death
I hear beings above
strangers to this country
I curl up
a tree branch falls into the hole
I wait
black fur an easy pick
for the birds above
I wait for the safety of darkness
night comes
I climb up the branch
Kakadu NP. July 2023
I acknowledge the traditional owners of the Kakadu national park lands, the Bininj and the Mungguy and its leaders past and present. Sovereignty has never been ceded. Like millions of Australians I accept the Uluru Statement of the Heart and YES I support the Voice.